Ideology and vote choice of election experts in the U.S. 2016 Perceptions of Electoral Integrity study
The Electoral Integrity Project surveyed U.S.-based election experts two weeks after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, with reminders sent in late November to mid December. The overall response rate was 19%.
The plot below reports expert self-reported political ideology (N=718, and not counting the eight respondents who did not respond to this item).
The plot below reports two-party vote share for Hillary Clinton among the 580 experts who reported voting for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Two-party vote share for Donald Trump by expert field ranged from 0% (0 of 25) for sociology/anthropology to 4.3% (3 of 70) for political theory.
1. Data source: Pippa Norris, Alessandro Nai, and Max Grömping. 2017. The expert survey of Perceptions of Electoral Integrity, US 2016 subnational study, Release 1.0, (PEI_US_1.0), January 2017: See
2. R code for the political ideology plot.
3. R code for the vote choice plot.
4. Stata code:
tab state, mi
tab leftrightscale
tab leftrightscale, mitab supported
tab supported citizen
tab supported if supported==1 | supported==2local subfield "elections ampol statepol comparative inter polcomm theory publicadmin publicpol methods socio"
foreach i of local subfield {
display ""
display "---------------- subfield = `i'"
tab supported if (supported==1 | supported==2) & `i'==1
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