More evidence that low modern racism/sexism is not the absence of racial or gender bias
reported on a conjoint experiment, in which White adult U.S. citizens were given a profile of two target persons and were asked "Which of these citizens do you prefer to keep registered to vote?". The experiment manipulated profile target characteristics such as race, gender, and criminal status.
Latina/o racism-ethnicism (LRE) was measured with responses to four "modern racism"-type items, such as "Many other ethnic groups have successfully integrated into American culture. Latinos and Hispanics should do the same without any special favors".
Results in Figure 6.7 indicated that high LRE participants favored White targets over Hispanic targets. But Figure 6.7 results also indicated that low LRE participants favored Hispanics targets over White targets. This experiment thus provided further evidence that a nontrivial percentage of participants at low levels of modern racism / modern sexism items have racial bias and/or gender bias. Here is prior post on a study indicating that persons at low levels of hostile sexism discriminated against men.
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