I recently blogged about the Betus, Lemieux, and Kearns Monkey Cage post (based on this Kearns et al. working paper) that claimed that "U.S. media outlets disproportionately emphasize the smaller number of terrorist attacks by Muslims".

I asked Kearns and Lemieux to share their data (I could not find an email for Betus). My request was denied until the paper was published. I tweeted a few questions to the coauthors about their data, but these tweets have not yet received a reply. Later, I realized that it would be possible to recreate or at least approximate their dataset because Kearns et al. included their outcome variable coding in the appendix of their working paper. I built a dataset based on [A] their outcome variable, [B] the Global Terrorism Database that they used, and [C] my coding of whether a given perpetrator was Muslim.

My analysis indicated that these data do not appear to support the claim of disproportionate media coverage of terror attacks by Muslims. In models with no control variables, terror attacks by Muslim perpetrators were estimated to receive 5.0 times as much media coverage as other terror attacks (p=0.008), but, controlling for the number of fatalities, this effect size drops to 1.53 times as much media coverage (p=0.480), which further drops to 1.30 times as much media coverage (p=0.622) after adding a control for attacks by unknown perpetrators, so that terror attacks by Muslim perpetrators are compared to terror attacks by known perpetrators who are not Muslim. See the Stata output below, in which "noa" is the number of articles and coefficients represent incident rate ratios:

kearns et al 1My code contains descriptions of corrections and coding decisions that I made. Data from the Global Terrorism Database is not permitted to be posted online without permission, so the code is the only information about the dataset that I am posting for now. However, the code describes how you can build your own dataset with Stata.

Below is the message that I sent to Kearns and Lemieux on March 17. Question 2 refers to the possibility that the Kearns et al. outcome variable includes news articles published before the identities of the Boston Marathon bombers were known; that lack of knowledge of who the perpetrators were makes it difficult to assign that early media coverage to the Muslim identity of the perpetrators. Question 3 refers to the fact that the coefficient on the Muslim perpetrator predictor is larger as the number of fatalities in that attack is smaller; the Global Terrorism Database lists four rows of data for the Tsarnaev case, the first of which has only one fatality, so I wanted to check to make sure that there is no error about this in the Kearns et al. data.

Hi Erin,

I created a dataset from the Global Terrorism Database and the data in the appendix of your SSRN paper. I messaged the Monkey Cage about writing a response to your post, and I received the suggestion to communicate with you about the planned response post.

For now, I have three requests:

  1. Can you report the number of articles in your dataset for Bobby Joe Rogers [id 201201010020] and Ray Lazier Lengend? The appendix of your paper has perpetrator Ray Lazier Lengend associated with the id for Bobby Joe Rogers.
  1. Can you report the earliest published date and the latest published date among the 474 articles in your dataset for the Tsarnaev case?
  1. Can you report the number killed in your dataset for the Tsarnaev case?

I have attached a do file that can be used to construct my dataset and run my analyses in Stata. Let me know if you have any questions, see any errors, or have any suggestions.



I have not yet received a reply to this message.

I pitched a response post to the Monkey Cage regarding my analysis, but the pitch was not accepted, at least while the Kearns et al. paper is unpublished.



[1] Data from the The Global Terrorism Database have this citation: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). (2016). Global Terrorism Database [Data file]. Retrieved from https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd.

[2] The method for eliminating news articles in the Kearns et al. working paper included this choice:

"We removed the following types of articles most frequently: lists of every attack of a given type, political or policy-focused articles where the attack or perpetrators were an anecdote to a larger debate, such as abortion or gun control, and discussion of vigils held in other locations."

It is worth assessing the degree to which this choice disproportionately reduces the count of articles for the Dylann Roof terror attack, which served as a background for many news articles about the display of the Confederate flag. It's not entirely clear why these types of articles should not be considered when assessing whether terror attacks by Muslims receive disproportionate media coverage.

[3] Controlling for attacks by unknown perpetrators, controlling for fatalities, and removing the Tsarnaev case drops the point estimate for the incident rate ratio to 0.89 (p=0.823).

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This post is a response to a question tweeted here.


I was responding only to the idea that poor educational outcomes for the Chinese in Spain would disprove culture as an influence on educational outcomes. Before concluding anything from the Chinese-in-Spain example about the influence of culture on educational outcomes, we'd need to estimate the level of educational outcomes that would be expected of the Chinese in Spain in the absence of cultural influence and then compare that estimate to observed educational outcomes.

So what level of educational outcomes should be expected of the Chinese in Spain? The 2014 Financial Times article "China's migrants thrive in Spain's financial crisis" reported an estimate that 70 or 80 percent of the Chinese in Spain are from Qingtian, "an impoverished rural county". Nonetheless, the FT article suggests that the Chinese in Spain are doing relatively well in employment and business, citing low unemployment and overrepresentation in business startups. Maybe culture has something to do with these things, and maybe culture and success in employment and business will translate into better future educational outcomes. Or maybe culture has no effect on these things.

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Nathaniel Bechhofer ‏linked to a tweeted question from Elizabeth Plank about whether white supremacists are more likely to be men. Ideally, for measuring white supremacist beliefs, we would define "white supremacist", develop items to measure white supremacist beliefs or actions, and then conduct a new study, but, for now, let's examine some beliefs that might provide a sense of what we'd find from an ideal survey.


I was working with the ANES Time Series Cumulative Data file last night, so I'll start there, with a measure of white ethnocentrism, coded 1 for respondents who rated whites higher than blacks, Hispanics, and Asians on feeling thermometers, and 0 for respondents who provided substantive responses to the four racial group feeling thermometers and were not coded 1. Data were available for surveys in 1992, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, and 2012. This is not a good measure of white supremacist beliefs, either in terms of face validity or considering the fact that 27 percent of white respondents (N=2,345 of 8,586) were coded 1. Nonetheless, in weighted analyses, 27.5 percent of white men and 28.9 percent of white women were coded 1, with a p-value for the difference of p=0.198.

I then coded a new measure as 1 for respondents who rated whites above 50 and who rated blacks, Hispanics, and Asians below 50 on the four racial group feeling thermometers, and as 0 for respondents who provided substantive responses to the four racial group feeling thermometers and were not coded 1. Data were available for surveys in 1992, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, and 2012. Only 1.6 percent of white respondents (N=134 of 8,586) were coded 1, and, as before, weighted analyses did not detect a sex difference: 1.9 percent of white men and 1.6 percent of white women were coded 1, with a p-value for the difference of p=0.429.


The General Social Survey 1972-2014 file contained an item measuring agreement that "On the average [Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans] have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people....Because most [Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans] have less in-born ability to learn". Data were available for surveys in 1977, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. There was a detected sex difference in weighted analyses, with 13.5 percent of white men and 12.0 percent of white women agreeing with the statement (p=0.002, N=21,911).

The next measure was coded 1 for respondents who favored a close relative marrying a white person and opposed a close relative marrying a black person, a Hispanic American person, and an Asian American person, and coded 0 for white respondents with other responses, including non-substantive responses. Data were available for surveys in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. There was a detected sex difference in weighted analyses, with 13.1 percent of white men and 10.4 percent of white women coded 1 (p=0.001, N=7,604).

The next measure was coded 1 for respondents coded 1 for the aforementioned marriage item and who selected 9 on a 1-to-9 scale for how close they felt to whites. Data were available for surveys in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. There was no detected sex difference in weighted analyses, with 5.5 percent of white men and 4.7 percent of white women coded 1 (p=0.344, N=3,952).

In the 1972 GSS, nonblack respondents were asked: "Do you think Negroes should have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job, or do you think white people should have the first chance at any kind of job?". Of 1,330 white respondents, 20 of 670 (3.0 percent of) white men and 23 of 660 (3.5 percent of) white women reported that white people should have first chance at any kind of job (p=0.607 in an unweighted analysis).

The next measure was based on the item asking: "If you and your friends belonged to a social club that would not let [Negroes/Blacks] join, would you try to change the rules so that [Negroes/Blacks/African-Americans] could join?" (sic for the lack of "African-Americans" in the first set of brackets). Respondents were coded 1 for reporting that they would not try to change the rules. Data were available for surveys in 1977, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1994. There was a detected sex difference in weighted analyses, with 45.5 percent of white men and 37.8 percent of white women coded 1 (p<0.001, N=7,924).

In the 2000 GSS, respondents were given this task:

Now I'd like you to imagine a neighborhood that had an ethnic and racial mix you personally would feel most comfortable in. Here is a blank neighborhood card, which depicts some houses that surround your own. Using the letters A for Asian, B for Black, H for Hispanic or Latin American and W for White, please put a letter in each of these houses to represent your preferred neighborhood where you would most like to live. Please be sure to fill in all of the houses.

Respondents were coded 1 if the respondent marked "white" for all the houses and coded 0 otherwise, with 0 including responses of doesn't matter, no neighbors, mixed race, or non-substantive responses. There was a nontrivial sex difference in weighted point estimates, with 16.9 percent of white men and 13.5 percent of white women coded 1, but the p-value was p=0.110 (N=1,108).


The 1972 GSS "white people should have the first chance at any kind of job" item seems like the best measure of white supremacist beliefs among the measures above, but agreement with that belief was low enough that there was not much power to detect a sex difference.

Based on the other data above and absent other data, it appears reasonable to expect at least a slight over-representation of men among whites with white supremacist beliefs, to the extent that white supremacist beliefs positively correlate with the patterns above. Research (1, 2) has found men to score higher than women on social dominance orientation scales, so the magnitude of expected sex differences in white supremacist beliefs among whites should depend on the degree to which white supremacist beliefs are defined to include a preference for political or social dominance.



Datasets were anes_timeseries_cdf_stata12.dta and GSS7214_R1.DTA. Code here.

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This post reports on publication bias analyses for the Tara L. Mitchell et al. 2005 meta-analysis: "Racial Bias in Mock Juror Decision-Making: A Meta-Analytic Review of Defendant Treatment" [gated, ungated]. The appendices for the article contained a list of sample sizes and effect sizes, but the list did not match the reported results in at least one case. Dr. Mitchell emailed me a file of the correct data (here).


Here is the funnel plot for the Mitchell et al. 2005 meta-analysis of verdicts:

mitchell-et-al-2005-verdicts-funnel-plotEgger's test did not indicate at the conventional level of statistical significance the presence of funnel plot asymmetry in any of the four funnel plots, with p-values of p=0.80 (white participants, published studies), p=0.82 (white participants, all studies), p=0.10 (black participants, published studies), and p=0.63 (black participants, all studies).

Trim-and-fill with the L0 estimator imputed missing studies for all four funnel plots to the side of the funnel plot indicating same-race favoritism:

mitchell-et-al-2005-verdicts-tf-l0Trim-and-fill with the R0 estimator imputed missing studies for only the funnel plots for published studies with black participants:



Here is the funnel plot for the Mitchell et al. 2005 meta-analysis of sentences:

mitchell-et-al-2005-sentences-funnel-plotEgger's test did not indicate at the conventional level of statistical significance the presence of funnel plot asymmetry in any of the four funnel plots, with p-values of p=0.14 (white participants, published studies), p=0.41 (white participants, all studies), p=0.50 (black participants, published studies), and p=0.53 (black participants, all studies).

Trim-and-fill with the L0 estimator imputed missing studies for the funnel plots with white participants to the side of the funnel plot indicating same-race favoritism:

mitchell-et-al-2005-sentences-tf-l0Trim-and-fill with the R0 estimator did not impute any missing studies:


I also attempted to retrieve and plot data for the Ojmarrh Mitchell 2005 meta-analysis ("A Meta-Analysis of Race and Sentencing Research: Explaining the Inconsistencies"), but the data were reportedly lost in a computer crash.



1. Data and code for the Mitchell et al. 2005 analyses are here: data file for verdicts, data file for sentences, R code for verdicts, and R code for sentences.

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Researchers often have the flexibility to report only the results they want to report, so an important role for peer reviewers is to request that researchers report results that a reasonable skeptical reader might suspect have been strategically unreported. I'll discuss two publications where obvious peer review requests do not appear to have been made and, presuming these requests were not made, how requests might have helped readers better assess evidence in the publication.


Example 1. Ahlquist et al. 2014 "Alien Abduction and Voter Impersonation in the 2012 U.S. General Election: Evidence from a Survey List Experiment"

Ahlquist et al. 2014 reports on two list experiments: one list experiment is from December 2012 and has 1,000 cases, and another list experiment is from September 2013 and has 3,000 cases.

Figure 1 of Ahlquist et al. 2014 reports results for the 1,000-person list experiment estimating the prevalence of voter impersonation in the 2012 U.S. general election; the 95% confidence intervals for the full sample and for each reported subgroup cross zero. Figure 2 reports results for the full sample of the 3,000-person list experiment estimating the prevalence of voter impersonation in the 2012 U.S. general election, but Figure 2 did not include subgroup results. Readers are thus left to wonder why subgroup results were not reported for the larger sample that had more power to detect an effect among subgroups.

Moreover, the main voting irregularity list experiment reported in Ahlquist et al. 2014 concerned voter impersonation, but, in footnote 15, Ahlquist et al. discuss another voting irregularity list experiment that was part of the study, about whether political candidates or activists offered the participant money or a gift for their vote:

The other list experiment focused on vote buying and closely mimicked that described in Gonzalez-Ocantos et al. (2012). Although we did not anticipate discovering much vote buying in the USA we included this question as a check, since a similar question successfully discovered voting irregularities in Nicaragua. As expected we found no evidence of vote buying in the USA. We omit details here for space considerations, though results are available from the authors and in the online replication materials...

The phrasing of the footnote is not clear whether the inference of "no evidence of vote buying in the USA" is restricted to an analysis of the full sample or also covers analyses of subgroups.

So the article leaves at least two questions unanswered for a skeptical reader:

  1. Why report subgroup analyses for only the smaller sample?
  2. Why not report the overall estimate and subgroup analyses for the vote buying list experiment?

Sure, for question 2, Ahlquist et al. indicate that the details of the vote buying list experiment were omitted for "space considerations"; however, the 16-page Ahlquist et al. 2014 article is shorter than the other two articles in the journal issue, which are 17 pages and 24 pages.

Peer reviewer requests that could have helped readers were to request a detailed report on the vote buying list experiment and to request a report of subgroup analyses for the 3,000-person sample.


Example 2. Sen 2014 "How Judicial Qualification Ratings May Disadvantage Minority and Female Candidates"

Sen 2014 reports logit regression results in Table 3 for four models predicting the ABA rating given to U.S. District Court nominees from 1962 to 2002, with ratings dichotomized into (1) well qualified or exceptionally well qualified and (2) not qualified or qualified.

Model 1 includes a set of variables such as the nominee's sex, race, partisanship, and professional experience (e.g., law clerk, state judge). Compared to model 1, model 2 omits the partisanship variable and adds year dummies. Compared to model 2, model 3 adds district dummies and interaction terms for female*African American and female*Hispanic. And compared to model 3, model 4 removes the year dummies and adds a variable for years of practice and a variable for the nominee's estimated ideology.

The first question raised by the table is the omission of the partisanship variable for models 2, 3, and 4, with no indication of the reason for that omission. The partisanship variable is not statistically significant in model 1, and Sen 2014 notes that the partisanship variable "is never statistically significant under any model specification" (p. 44), but it is not clear why the partisanship variable is dropped in the other models because other variables appear in all four models and never reach statistical significance.

The second question raised by the table is why years of practice appears in only the fourth model, in which roughly one-third of cases are lost due to the inclusion of estimated nominee ideology. Sen 2014 Table 2 indicates that male and white nominees had substantially more years of practice than female and black nominees: men (16.87 years), women (11.02 years), whites (16.76 years), and blacks (10.08 years); therefore, any model assessing whether ABA ratings are biased should account for sex and race differences in years of practice, under the reasonable expectation that nominees should receive higher ratings for more experience.

Peer reviewer requests that could have helped readers were to request a discussion of the absence of the partisanship variable from models 2, 3, and 4, and to request that years of experience be included in more of the models.


Does it matter?

Data for Ahlquist et al. 2014 are posted here. I reported on my analysis of the data in a manuscript rejected after peer review by the journal that published Ahlquist et al. 2014.

My analysis indicated that the weighted list experiment estimate of vote buying for the 3,000-person sample was 5 percent (p=0.387), with a 95% confidence interval of [-7%, 18%]. I'll echo my earlier criticism and note that a 25-percentage-point-wide confidence interval is not informative about the prevalence of voting irregularities in the United States because all plausible estimates of U.S. voting irregularities fall within 12.5 percentage points of zero.

Ahlquist et al. 2014 footnote 14 suggests that imputed data on participant voter registration were available, so a peer reviewer could have requested reporting of the vote buying list experiments restricted to registered voters, given that only registered voters have a vote to trade. I did not see a variable for registration in the dataset for the 1,000-person sample, but the list experiment for the 3,000-person sample produced the weighted point estimate that 12 percent of persons listed as registered to vote were contacted by political candidates or activists around the 2012 U.S. general election with an offer to exchange money or gifts for a vote (p=0.018).

I don't believe that this estimate is close to correct, and, given sufficient subgroup analyses, some subgroup analyses would be expected to produce implausible or impossible results, but peer reviewers requesting these data might have produced a more tentative interpretation of the list experiments.


For Sen 2014, my analysis indicated that the estimates and standard errors for the partisanship variable (coded 1 for nomination by a Republican president) inflate unusually high when that variable is included in models 2, 3, and 4: the coefficient and standard error for the partisanship variable are 0.02 and 0.11 in model 1, but inflate to 15.87 and 535.41 in model 2, 17.90 and 1,455.40 in model 3, and 18.21 and 2,399.54 in model 4.

The Sen 2014 dataset had variables named Bench.Years, Trial.Years, and Private.Practice.Years. The years of experience for these variables overlap (e.g., nominee James Gilstrap was born in 1957 and respectively has 13, 30, and 30 years for these variables); therefore, the variables cannot be summed to construct a variable for total years of legal experience that does not include double- or triple-counting for some cases. Bench.Years correlates with Trial.Years at -0.47 and with Private.Practice.Years at -0.39, but Trial.Years and Private.Practice.Years correlate at 0.93, so I'll include only Bench.Years and Trial.Years, given that Trial.Years appears more relevant for judicial ratings than Private.Practice.Years.

My analysis indicated that women and blacks had a higher Bench.Years average than men and whites: men (4.05 years), women (5.02 years), whites (4.02 years), and blacks (5.88 years). Restricting the analysis to nominees with nonmissing nonzero Bench.Years, men had slightly more experience than women (9.19 years to 8.36 years) and blacks had slightly more experience than whites (9.33 years to 9.13 years).

Adding Bench.Years and Trial.Years to the four Table 3 models did not produce any meaningful difference in results for the African American, Hispanic, and Female variables, but the p-value for the Hispanic main effect fell to 0.065 in model 4 with Bench.Years added.


I estimated a simplified model with the following variables predicting the dichotomous ABA rating variable for each nominee with available data: African American nominee, Hispanic nominee, female nominee, Republican nominee, nominee age, law clerk experience, law school tier (from 1 to 6), Bench0 and Trial0 (no bench or trial experience respectively), Bench.Years, and Trial.Years. These variables reflect demographics, nominee quality, and nominee experience, with a presumed penalty for nominees who lack bench and/or trial experience. Results are below:

aba1The female coefficient was not statistically significant in the above model (p=0.789), but the coefficient was much closer to statistical significance when adding a control for the year of the nomination:

aba2District.Court.Nomination.Year was positively related to the dichotomous ABA rating variable (r=0.16) and to the female variable (r=0.29), and the ABA rating increased faster over time for women than for men (but not at a statistically-significant level: p=0.167), so I estimated a model that interacted District.Court.Nomination.Year with Female and with the race/ethnicity variables:

aba3The model above provides some evidence for an over-time reduction of the sex gap (p=0.095) and the black/white gap (0.099).

The next model is the second model reported above, but with estimated nominee ideology added, coded with higher values indicating higher levels of conservatism:

aba4So there is at least one reasonable model specification that produces evidence of bias against conservative nominees, at least to the extent that the models provide evidence of bias. After all, ABA ratings are based on three criteria—integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament—but the models include information for only professional competence, so a sex, race, and ideological gap in the models could indicate bias and/or could indicate a sex, race, and ideological gap in nonbiased ABA evaluations of integrity and/or judicial temperament and/or elements of professional competence that are not reflected in the model measures. Sen addressed the possibility of gaps in these other criteria, starting on page 47 of the article.

For what it's worth, evidence of the bias against conservatives is stronger when excluding the partisanship control:


The above models for the Sen reanalysis should be interpreted to reflect the fact that there are many reasonable models that could be reported. My assessment from the models that I estimated is that the black/white gap is extremely if not completely robust, the Hispanic/white gap is less robust but still very robust, the female/male gap is less robust but still somewhat robust, and the ideology gap is the least robust of the group.

I'd have liked for the peer reviewers on Sen 2014 to have requested results for the peer reviewers' preferred model, with requested models based only on available data and results reported in at least an online supplement. This would provide reasonable robustness checks for an analysis for which there are many reasonable model specifications. Maybe that happened: the appendix table in the working paper version of Sen 2014 is somewhat different than the published logit regression table. In any event, indicating which models were suggested by peer reviewers might help reduce skepticism about the robustness of reported models, to the extent that models suggested by a peer reviewer have not been volunteered by the researchers.



1. Subgroup analyses might have been reported for only the smaller 1,000-person sample because the smaller sample was collected first. However, that does not mean that the earlier sample should be the only sample for which subgroup analyses are reported.

2. Non-disaggregated results for the 3,000-person vote buying list experiment and disaggregated results for the 1,000-person vote buying list experiment were reported in a prior version of Ahlquist et al. 2014, which Dr. Ahlquist sent me. However, a reader of Ahlquist et al. 2014 might not be aware of these results, so Ahlquist et al. 2014 might have been improved by including these results.



1. Ideally, models would include a control for twelve years of experience, given that the ABA Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary "...believes that a prospective nominee to the federal bench ordinarily should have at least twelve years' experience in the practice of law" (p. 3, here). Sen 2014 reports results for a matching analysis that reflects the 12 years threshold, at least for the Trial.Years variable, but I'm less confident in matching results, given the loss of cases (e.g., from 304 women in Table 1 to 65 women in Table 4) and the loss of information (e.g., cases appear to be matched so that nominees with anywhere from 0 to 12 years on Trial.Years are matched on Trial.Years).

2. I contacted the ABA and sent at least one email to the ABA liaison for the ABA committee that handles ratings for federal judicial nominations, asking whether data could be made available for nominee integrity and judicial temperament, such as a dichotomous indication whether an interviewee had raised concerns about the nominee's integrity or judicial temperament. The ABA Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary prepares a written statement (e.g., here) that describes such concerns for nominees rated as not qualified, if the ABA committee is asked to testify at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for the nominee (see p. 8 here). I have not yet received a reply to my inquiries.



1. Data for Ahlquist et al. 2014 are here. Code for my additional analyses is here.

2. Dr. Sen sent me data and R code, but the Sen 2014 data and code do not appear to be online now. Maya Sen's Dataverse is available here. R code for the supplemental Sen models described above is here.

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I happened across the Saucier et al. 2005 meta-analysis "Differences in Helping Whites and Blacks: A Meta-Analysis" (ungated), and I decided to plot the effect size against the standard error in a funnel plot to assess the possibility of publication bias.The funnel plot is below.

Saucier wt al. 2005 Funnel PlotFunnel plot asymmetry was not detected in Begg's test (p=0.486) but was detected in the higher-powered Egger's test (p=0.009)



1. Saucier et al. 2005 reported sample sizes but not effect sizes standard errors for each study, so I estimated the standard errors with formula 7.30 of Hunter and Schmidt (2004: 286).

2. Code here.

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I previously discussed Filindra and Kaplan 2016 in terms of the current state of political science research transparency, but this post will discuss the article more substantively.

Let's start with a re-quote regarding the purpose and research design of the Filindra and Kaplan 2016 experiment:

To determine whether racial prejudice depresses white support for gun control, we designed a priming experiment which exposed respondents to pictures of blacks and whites drawn from the IAT. Results show that exposure to the prime suppressed support for gun control compared to the control, conditional upon a respondent's level of racial resentment (p. 255).

Under the guise of a cognitive test, we exposed 600 survey participants who self-identified as white to three pictures of the faces of black individuals and another three of white individuals (p. 261).

For predicting the two gun-related outcome variable scales for the experiment, Table 1 indicates in separate models that the treatment alone, the treatment and a measure of symbolic racism alone, and the interaction of the treatment and symbolic racism all reach statistical significance at at least p<0.10 with a two-tailed test.

But the outcome variable scales are built from a subset of measured gun-related items. Filindra and Kaplan 2016 reported an exploratory factor analysis used to select items for outcome variable scales: 7 of 13 policy items about guns and 8 of 9 belief items about guns were selected for inclusion in the scales. The dataset for the article uploaded to the Dataverse did not contain data for the omitted policy and belief items, so I requested these data from Dr. Filindra. I did not receive access to these data.

It's reasonable to use factor analysis to decide which items to include in a scale, but this permits researcher flexibility about whether to perform the factor analysis in the first place and, if so, about whether to place all items in a single factor analysis or to, as in Filindra and Kaplan 2016, separate the items into groups and conduct a factor analysis for each group.


But the main problem with the experiment is not the flexibility in building the outcome variable scales. The main problem is that the research design does not permit an inference of racial prejudice.

The Filindra and Kaplan 2016 experimental design of a control and a single treatment of the black/white photo combination permits at most only the inference of a "causal relationship between racial considerations and gun policy preferences among whites" (p. 263, emphasis added). However, Filindra and Kaplan 2016 also discussed the experiment as if the treatment had been only photos of blacks (p. 263):

Our priming experiment shows that mere short exposure to pictures of blacks can drive opposition to gun control.

The Filindra and Kaplan experimental design does not permit assigning the measured effect to the photos of blacks isolated from the photos of whites, so I'm not sure why peer reviewers would have permitted that claim, which appeared in exactly the same form on page 9 of Filindra and Kaplan's 2015 MPSA paper.


Filindra and Kaplan 2016 supplement the experiment with a correlational study using symbolic racism to predict the ANES gun control item. But, as other researchers and I have noted, there is an inferential problem using symbolic racism in correlational studies, because symbolic racism conflates racial prejudice and nonracial attitudes; for example, knowing only that a person believes that blacks should not receive special favors cannot tell us whether that person's belief is motivated by antiblack bias, nonracial opposition to special favors, or some combination of the two.

My article here provides a sense of how strong a residual post-statistical-control correlation between symbolic racism and an outcome variable must be before one can confidently claim that the correlation is tapping antiblack bias. To illustrate this, I used linear regression on the 2012 ANES Time Series Study data, weighted and limited to white respondents, to predict responses to the gun control item, which was coded on a standardized scale so that the lowest value is the response that the federal government should make it more difficult to buy a gun, the middle response is that the rules should be kept the same, and the highest value is that the federal government should make it easier to buy a gun.

The standardized symbolic racism scale produced a 0.068 (p=0.012) residual correlation with the standardized gun control item, with the model including the full set of statistical control as described in the note below. That was about the same residual correlation as for predicting a standardized scale measuring conservative attitudes toward women (0.108, p<0.001), about the same residual correlation as for predicting a standardized abortion scale (-0.087, p<0.001), and about the same residual correlation as for predicting a standardized item about whether people should be permitted to place Social Security payroll taxes into personal accounts (0.070, p=0.007).

So, based on these data alone, racial prejudice as measured with symbolic racism has about as much "effect" on attitudes about gun control as it does on attitudes about women, abortion, and private accounts for Social Security. I think it's unlikely that bias against blacks causes conservative attitudes toward women, so I don't think that the 2012 ANES data can resolve whether or the extent to which bias against blacks causes support for gun control.

I would bet that there is some connection between antiblack prejudice and gun control, but I wouldn't argue that Filindra and Kaplan 2016 provide convincing evidence of this. Of course, it looks like a version of the Filindra and Kaplan 2016 paper won a national award, so what do I know?



1. Code for my analysis reported above is here.

2. The full set of statistical control has controls for: respondent sex, marital status, age group, education level, household income, employment status, Republican party membership, Democratic Party membership, self-reported political ideology, and items measuring attitudes about whether jobs should be guaranteed, limited government, moral traditionalism, authoritarianism, and egalitarianism.

3. Filindra and Kaplan 2016 Table 2 reports a larger effect size for symbolic racism in the 2004 and 2008 ANES data than in the 2012 ANES data, with respective values for the maximum change in probability of support of -0.23, -0.25, and -0.16. The mean of the 2004 and 2008 estimate is 50% larger than the 2012 estimate, so increasing the 2012 residual correlation of 0.068 by 50% produces 0.102, which is still about the same residual correlation as for conservative attitudes about women. Based on Table 6 of my article, I would not be comfortable alleging an effect for racial bias with anything under a 0.15 residual correlation with a full set of statistical control.

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